ILO’s Recommendation 202 recommends that countries should regularly collect, compile, analyse and publish an appropriate range of data statistics and indicators’ on social protection floors. This is critical to safeguarding compliance with existing legislation, ensuring transparency and accountability and building a basis for the continuous improvement of social protection systems.

A good M&E system promotes a continuous learning cycle, fosters transformation in social protection, and improves service delivery. Specifically it serves to improve policy/programme management and planning as well as improve policy/programme accountability.

Through case studies and exercises, this module covers the various aspects of setting up and implementing an M&E system and how it can improve policy/programme management and planning as well as improve policy/programme accountability. It discusses the identification and collection of indicators and data, how to strike a balance between capacity of data collection and demand for evidence and accountability, the function of Service Standards, staff involvement, ethical guidelines and examples of accountability mechanisms.


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