Many training courses exist in the field of social protection, and fundamental theories, concepts, approaches and techniques are accessible. However, the complexity of developing a broad, encompassing and functional social protection system remains a challenge for the relevant institutions. Thus, a transformational approach to teaching and knowledge sharing is required to bridge the gap between theory and implementation.
TRANSFORM empowers learners to handle the complexities of their social protection systems, appreciate diversity and uniqueness, own and implement creative solutions suitable for their contexts.

TRANSFORM’s action-based and experiential teaching methodology is centred on the promotion of change and transformation. It offers state of the art knowledge on social protection relevant to African countries within the working environment of participants.
Recognising that knowledge is already in the room, TRANSFORM seeks to highlight that knowledge in a structured manner. This constitutes the first step in the participants’ leadership journey, outlined through their personal commitments to establish change in their social protection programmes following the training.
TRANSFORM was developed since 2015 with financial and technical support from Irish Aid and the European Union Social Protection Systems Programme (EU-SPS), particularly the Government of Finland.
In 2016, the African Union officially recommended the training package be made available to all African countries, thus furthering its development and promotion. African social protection experts and Africa-based officials of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) collaborated to the creation of the TRANSFORM curriculum, with technical support from Ingenious Peoples Knowledge (IPK).
Training applications, curriculum development and review continue to be supported primarily through country level technical and financial assistance of partner agencies that include the ILO, UNDP, UNICEF, World Food Programme (WFP) and donors, including the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), beside different multi-donor funding arrangements. TRANSFORM online and face-to-face applications continue to be delivered in partnership with socialprotection.org (IPC-IG) and Learn to Lead.